"In the whole history of the world there is but one thing that 
money cannot buy - to whit, the wag of a dog's tail."
Henry Wheeler Shaw (1818-1885)





Int.Am.Can. Ch. Breaksea Gone West, ROM, ROMI, ROMX (Dylan) USA

(Ch. Potterdale Conclusion x Breaksea Gypsy Moth)

Dylan's son  MBIS. Can.Am.Int.Ch. Autumnlane's Li'l Deuce Coupe
 Top Beardie in Canada and No5 Herding Dog 2003.

Ch. Potterdale Conclusion Potterdale Anderson at Ramsgrove Pepperland Andy Panda at Ramsgrove
Ch. Potterdale Prelude
Ch. Blumberg Hadriana at Potterdale Blumberg De Roos Erasmus
Chloe of Blumberg
Breaksea Gipsy Moth Breaksea Alchemist Davealex I Own Him
Bevlands Hello Dolly
Potterdale Roxana at Breaksea Ch. Pepperlands Lyric John at Potterdale
Ch. Blumberg Hadriana at Potterdale
